Tuesday, February 21, 2006

olympic cheerleaders.

I love to watch the Olympic Games. Every two years baby, summer or winter, I'm glued to the action. Today I was watching Womens hockey on one channel and Mens Curling on another, and then I saw them. In their bright orange and yellow outfits...... cheederleaders. I couldn't beleive it. Cheerleaders for the Olympic Games. So I got on google and found some info on them. Read the article HERE.

I also came across this as well....
Top Ten Reasons Why Cheerleading Should be an
Olympic Sport...
10. All other Olympic sports could have their own official cheerleaders.
9. It could definitely be a coed sport.
8. There would never be a shortage of judges. Most men would kill for this job.
7. Language shouldn't be problem; how many ways can you say "Go, Team, Go?"
6. There would never be a need to drug test; cheerleaders are always smiling.
5. Rich countries wouldn't have an advantage; how many uniforms does a squad need?
4. It's easier to spell than gymnastics.
3. It could go either way, Winter or Summer.
2. No special equipment is needed, just give them some ground.
1. Pom Poms are cheaper than pole vaults.
Read this Article HERE.
Play online curling HERE. (It's a bummer that theres no sweeper guy.)