Tuesday, February 28, 2006

blue dog.

I am officially renaming my blog. I have decided to go back to the original blog name that I started with back in August of 2005. Here it is, the name of my blog,....."BLUE DOG". Yes, blue dog. Why you ask? Cause my ten month old son, McKay, just loved his blue dog toy. It was kind of cute I thought. But after some time and only a few blogs here and there, I changed the name to new day. I thought maybe it would spark me to start going on blogging. But NO. That didn't work. So I went to nothing, no name blog. I really didn't like that at all. And now that I'm blogging baby, I want a blog name. So finally after talking with my wife and friends they all agreed that no blog name was lame. So back to the beginning.