Wednesday, April 26, 2006

great speaker.

The other day I got to hear a keynote speaker at the FFA conference. His name is Roger Crawford. I really enjoyed his 45 minute talk. He didn't talk about the FFA or anything about livestock or crops.

(photo taken by WRP)

He is a natural born motivational speaker. He was born with only one finger on his right hand and two fingers on his left. He also has only half of his left leg. He says he is a motavitional speaker that happens to have a disablity, rather than saying he's an disabled people who is a motitavational speaker. I was totally inspired by him. He sees everything in his life as, "the glass is half full, rather than half empty."

roger crawford


Pat Callahan said...

Upside - great motivational speaker with an inspiring story.

Downside - can only count to 8, max.