Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Photo Video

WHOA! This is Fantastic!

I gotta do this sometime......

The PEN Story from PENStory on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Which Way Should We Go?

Which Way Should We Go? - The High Road? Or The Low Road?

When Kelly and I drove out to Georgia, last summer, we went "The High Road". It was a nice drive. Many interesting stops on the way. But I'm thinking about taking "The Low Road" with Jill this time. You know, see more of the country side! It would add about 300 more miles and 4 hours of driving time on the trip. I'm still not sure yet. Could go either way.

So... Can you help me decide? Which way should we go now?!!?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Webcam Music Video

WOW! How did they do this?!?!??


I'm gonna do something like this one day..... Who gonna help me?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

California Love!

YES! It’s True!

The Parker’s are moving back to California!

This was not an easy decision for us to make. The past year, in Georgia, at North Point, as the Lighting & Scenic Director, has been incredibly rewarding. We've enjoyed many good times here as well as being apart of a really great ministry here in the ATL. The things we have learned in ministry at North Point we will take with us for the rest of our lives.

It feels like yesterday that we made the HUGE Parker Family announcement that we were leaving New Covenant and moving to Georgia. (That was only one year ago.) So I could work at an amazing church. Alongside an excellent production team.

However… Jillian and I have decided that living closer to our friends and family is far more important to our three boys and us right now. So, we have decided to head back to Fresno.

Let me just say that we LOVE North Point Community Church! I have really enjoyed working here. The staff is an awesome group of people. I will miss working with them VERY much. Plus the children's program is top-notch here and my kids loved it! I really wish we could pick up North Point, and the staff, and place it in California.

We both have met a lot of great people here in Georgia. Many good friendships were made here as well. And we pray that we can continue to stay connected with them. That’s the great part about Facebook, twitter, and blogs!

This past year has had its up and downs. (Way more ups than downs.) And we’re not going to stay it was a bad decision to move here. (Because it wasn’t.) We have learned a lot about ourselves and our marriage is stronger for it! Our family bond is stronger than oak now, too! What we have learned the most is that having our family and friends close to us is really important to our well-being.

We will continue to pray for North Point Community Church and its ministry in the Atlanta area and its impact worldwide. We pray that God will continue to bless this church!

Jill and I are very excited about what is in store next and we are looking forward to the next chapter of the Parker Family Story!

We would appreciate your prayers in this new adventure…