Friday, July 10, 2009

Which Way Should We Go?

Which Way Should We Go? - The High Road? Or The Low Road?

When Kelly and I drove out to Georgia, last summer, we went "The High Road". It was a nice drive. Many interesting stops on the way. But I'm thinking about taking "The Low Road" with Jill this time. You know, see more of the country side! It would add about 300 more miles and 4 hours of driving time on the trip. I'm still not sure yet. Could go either way.

So... Can you help me decide? Which way should we go now?!!?


Micah Foster said...

def. the low road!

Mom said...

Take the more scenic route! Go thru New Orleans, Houston and so on. It be like a second honeymoon!

Mom said...

But....I also think that maybe you should go to Tuscaloosa and then take the "low road". Not too much out of the way....

Anonymous said...

I say the high road, you already know that way and it will be faster! Nana

Doulos said...

go low.

Unknown said...

I say go high.. The low way has some incredibly boring long straight roads, though the Oklahoma/Texas part of the high road is boring too. I like the high drive better (past experience)

Anne Berkowitz said...

Definitely the low road and make a stop in New Orleans!

The Weaver's said...

Go low. See the sites then make up the time in West Texas. How fast will your car go?

Aron said...

Are you looking for an adventure or getting to your destination?

I'd recommend and adventure. And while I agree the low road definitely has some stretches of a whole lot of nothing, why take the same road you took before? That's not an adventure!

Mom said...

I agree with Aron!

Aunt Margie said...

How could you say "no" to N'awlins? When do you expect to have the opportunity again? Take advantage!!! Four hours in the scheme of life is minimal; memories are priceless...

Anonymous said...

That is true, you could see alot, maybe you should just take the low road!

Your other mom!

MOM said...

Yep, we MOMS know best!

Julie said...

Take the high road, if it's the fastest...take the fastest! Those last 4 hours could be a killer! Just think, 4 hours sooner to see your boys!

Anonymous said...

Drive through historic New york, connecticut and mass.