Monday, May 18, 2009

Vaca photo

Here my favorite photo from last Spring Break....

Papa, McKay & Bryce in the Gulf of Mexico!
(Fort Walton Beach, FL)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

McKay's photography

I found these Photos on my camera tonight. McKay took these shots all by himself. Well... not the first one. I took that one. Right before he had his photo shoot. This was a while ago because I don't remember him taking these. I do think I need to get him his own camera. He's not to bad! I hope you enjoy them. I did delete all the duplicates. He had like 5-10 shots of each thing. I guess he wanted to get it just right. Ha!

My Favorite is the Curious George Bi-plane photo.... What's yours?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

N.O.W photos

Night Of Worship - LIVE @ North Point 021909

All photos taken by Matt Clark

my BOY's MAMA!

Just in case you didn't know already....

My Beautiful wife, @Jillparker, has started her own blog recently called Boy Mama! She will fill you in on what really happens here in the Parker's household. Plus she will give you some awesome household cleaning tips or ideas, family fun night creative ideas, mommy stuff, some yummy recipes, or simply what's been on her heart and mind lately. She's been posting since February and as already started to join the ranks of a great mom-blog!

***Make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday today as well.***

Friday, May 15, 2009

Who's your buddy?

I found this short video clip in a folder on my MacBookPro today. HA! I don't even remember doing this with my buddy, @patamo. You might not think this is funny.....and that's okay! But I find it to be hilarious! Don't know why.

I love our chats online. We laugh. We Cry. It's really therapeutic. Sometimes we just be chillin' and don't talk to much about anything. Or we just trash talk the whole time.

It's awesome to have a friend like this... Who's your buddy?!?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Let me know if you have a blog....

You link mine.... I'll link love yours....

Testing - mobile email blog post

McKay rockin' the Drive09 headband!

Testing - mobile text blog post.